Manage Extension Settings

Manage Extension Settings


Options available within extension Settings allow administrators to enable or disable workflow rules, single record buttons and mass action buttons in Leads, Contacts, Accounts and Vendors modules. This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to customize settings in all Zoho CRM modules related to the extension.

1. Select Preset Picklist

Settings include a Preset Picklist at the top, which allows administrators to quickly apply predefined configurations.

Preset Options
  1. Standard: Enables workflow rules and buttons for Leads and Contacts modules only.
  2. Advanced: Enables workflow rules and buttons for Leads, Contacts, and Accounts modules.
  3. Full: Enables workflow rules and buttons for all modules (Leads, Contacts, Accounts and Vendors).
  4. Inactive: Disables workflow rules and buttons for all modules.
  5. Custom: Reflects the user’s manual adjustments to slider positions.
How to Use the Preset Picklist
  • Select a preset from the dropdown menu to apply its settings instantly.
  • Switching back to the Custom preset restores your last manually adjusted slider configuration, allowing you to fine-tune settings without losing previous changes.

2. Primary Sliders

Each module (Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Vendors) has a Primary Slider that determines whether its corresponding settings are active or inactive.

Using Primary Sliders
  • ON Position: Enables the module's settings and displays a table of secondary options for customization.
  • OFF Position: Disables the module’s settings and hides the secondary options.

3. Secondary Sliders

When a primary slider is activated, a table of Secondary Sliders appears for more detailed duplicate search choices in all supported modules.

Secondary Slider Options
  1. On Record Creation: Enables a workflow rule that searches for duplicates when a new record is created.
  2. Single Record Button: Enables a button in existing records that searches for duplicates related to that specific record.
  3. Mass Action Button: Enables a mass action button that searches for duplicates in up to 100 records at a time.
How to Use Secondary Sliders
  • Adjust each slider according to your specific requirements.
  • For example, setting the Single Record Button slider to ON Position will enable the button to search for duplicates in existing records.

4. Tooltips

Each option includes a Tooltip (i icon) which providing additional information about its functionality.

  • Hover over or click on the i icon to view the tooltip text.
  • Some tooltips include preview links for button placements, offering a visual reference.

5. Saving Settings

The settings are automatically saved whenever you make changes to any slider. There is no need to manually save as your configuration is updated in real-time and will remain available in the Custom preset.

6. Dynamic Module Names

Labels and tooltips in the Settings are dynamically updated based on the module's plural and singular name settings that are specific to your CRM. For instance, let's assume a scenario where you renamed Accounts module to Companies. In that case, labels and tooltips will mention Companies, Company and Company NameThis ensures that settings are intuitive and context-specific.

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